Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Gasoline Tankers

Few gasoline tankers are drifting around Caribbean

Three homeless gasoline tankers have been reported being wandering around the Isles of Caribbean. These tankers are bearing almost 1.35 million barrels of gasoline and alkylate which is roughly $100 million-dollar worth gasoline. Alkylate is an octane-boosting component that is mixed with motor fuels for high rated performance.Before continue to read complete story, visit Cargo to Caribbean first.

These tankers come from India and were supposed to land in United States. This cargo was meant for Trafigura Group Ltd and Mercuria Energy Group Ltd. and yet has no orders of delivery. Instead the traders are now looking for best-selling options in the region. The fate of these tankers has been uncertain and they are wandering in the waters since March 27th.

Nobody has stepped forward and made a statement on this case as of yet. The officials of Mercuria and Trafigura group are silent on the status of these cargo ships. The representatives of these companies also refused to comment anything about their landing details. These tankers were intended to land in the U.S. “River Shiner” of the Trafigura group is left to drift freely towards north of Bahamas. It is loaded with gasoline and its original destination was the New York Harbor from where it got diverted earlier this week. Mercuria group’s “Spottail” was loaded with alkylate as cargo in India. It has been witnessed floating near Freeport of Bahamas since 27th of last month. Another ship “Lake Trout” is also drifting in the Gulf of Mexico for two weeks now not knowing about its future.

How much worth is this cargo?

Talking about its worth, the value of gasoline at New York harbor is approximately $1.56/gallon whereas the value of alkylate is almost $1.72/gal which is considerably high. With 1.35 million barrels calculating the cost: 42 gallons per barrel, that’s just under $100 million depending on the split between the two.

The head of oil products research for Energy Aspects, Robert Campbell when talked with shared his views on this situation. He is of the view that these tankers will end up in Venezuela. He also shared that currently there is a severe shortage of supply in the region and these tankers are meant to bring in alkylate to narrow the gap. The shortage is because most of country’s fluid catalytic cracker units that are responsible for making gasoline are out of commission. Last week, two gasoline tankers coming from Europe were also directed to Venezuela after the statement was made by Petroleos de Venezuela that it will work on boosting imports. This statement was actually made after the serious shortage that Caracas suffered from.

Central value of the Caribbean 

Grand Bahama, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, St. Eustatius and St. Lucia, are very famous for the beaches that draw sun-chasing visitors from all over the world. All of them have significant depots to store crude as well as refined products. China, Russia, India and many other countries have their reserves here. The transport of all sorts takes place through the Caribbean sea.
We offer safest and fastest sea shipping services to Caribbean at affordable prices. You can visit us at cargotocaribbean.co.uk to get FREE price quotes.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

DB Schenker Cargo and Lufthansa cargo to reduce 20,000 tons of CO2

The partnership on Environmental safety is on track and it is expected to cut 20,000 tonnes of CO2 during the cargo operations

The partnership between two cargo companies was made to help each other in their cargo operations and their strategic goal was to achieve 20,000 tons less carbon emissions. They met last week and upon comparing their last five years of partnership, they found that they have successfully achieve the half target and managed to reduce the carbon emissions by 10,000 tons and another 10,000 tons will be saved by 2020. The intention of reducing the carbon emissions was indorsed by the Carbon Reduction Agreement, both partners were entered into the agreement last year but they were practicing the carbon reduction mission from last couple of years. Continue to read more about DB Schenker Cargo, must visit shipping to Caribbean first.

What DB Schenker said?

The DB Schenker is a German based logistics firm and works in almost across the globe, they have their operations in the UK, Dubai, and they also handle cargo to India from Europe. DB Schenker as a third largest logistics Management Company in Germany bears a great responsibility to protect the environment and reduce the carbon footprints as much they can during their cargo operations across the globe. Dorothea Schon is the boss of the environmental protection department and responsible for CO2 emissions reduction planning and controlling at DB Schenker.

According to the official, the DB Schenker and Lufthansa cargo are bearing the responsibility to save the environment as much they can in the ten years of partnership. They have saved 10,000 tons of carbon in past five years however, the target is 20,000 tons by 2020. Therefore, saving the environment was and is imperative to the world and all major businesses like the cargo companies to work on environmental protection. DB Schenker is working with Lufthansa cargo and achieving the environmental protection goals.

Lufthansa cargo Environmental protection department

Lufthansa cargo is one of the largest air cargo handlers in the Europe and according to the head of environmental management project at Lufthansa cargo division believes that their cargo freighters need just under two litres of fuel on average to go 100 kilometres with 100 kilogram of cargo weight. According to the head of environmental management division, Lufthansa cargo is putting a massive effort to ultimately reduce the fuel consumption of the cargo fleet. 

It will benefit both environment and the cargo handler. Lufthansa has purchased five new Boeing 777F freighters recently as they are the most efficient freighters in the class and save massive amount of fuel as well. Secondly, Lufthansa has changed their cargo containers with the ultra-lightweight containers and they have polished the engine blades for ultra-efficient air flow in the jets. Digitisation of the cargo operations will also help them to save the environment with reduced use of paper. These innovations will facilitate the Lufthansa cargo and DB Schenker to even reduce the carbon footprints in the future and save the environment. The agreements help the companies to set their targets and allow them to integrate their responsibility in the business relations and achieve their goals in an efficient way.

We offer safe and reliable door to door cargo to Caribbean at affordable price. Visit us at cargotocaribbean.co.uk and get free price quotes. 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

How Has The EL Faro Cargo Ship Sunk?

Let Your Mind Keep the Secrets of Destroyed EL Faro Cargo ship

U.S investigators have been going on with to investigate the sunk EL Faro Cargo Ship while spending two weeks of hearing into the destruction of cargo ship El Faro in a hurricane last fall. According to seen of last man, this destruction was brought into light due to bad condition of weather. Before continue to read complete story, visit Cargo to Caribbean first.

The Coast Guard panel has declared it a worst shipping disaster and involves a U.S-flagged vessel in more than three decades. The ship captain was intended to make the protection of his ship in the Caribbean. But, he set out the travel like a routine cargo run between Florida and Puerto Rica. At last, the cargo ship dived into the water, completely destroying itself.

How many People Died?

According to different sort of source, there were 33 crew, who have set out journey, that died during the voyage, when the 790-foot ship sank off the Bahamas. Having left the Jacksonville after two days, heinous incident was brought into light on October 1, Florida, before intense storm intensified into a hurricane.

What is according to Coast Guard Board of Investigation?


The Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation has declared it the most serious disaster in the history of cargo ship while examined the operation of cargo, climate forecasts oversight, during its 2nd set off of hearing on the El Faro tragedy.

What did Panel Meeting Receive?

Having judged the condition of ship and got the information about disaster, the panel meeting in Jacksonville conveyed that the people of ship has learnt something wrong about not only just condition but also some other thing, which are related to weather and ship condition. There is main matter of sunk ship is that the delays information from coming the weather reporting. Local Media Reported that the information got at the ship was an hour late advisories while coming from national storms forecasters.

What did Rod Sullivan Note?


Rod Sullivan, a maritime lawyer, has been closely observing the incident. He said that actual data has been failed to make a correct destination in the EL Faro’s crew. It is the main reason of ship to dive in the water. He said the investigators, who were going on with to look for the cause of sunk ship and find a correct evidence, while calling for the discussion that they have been ended in smoke to get some actual answers from him.

We offer safest and fastest sea shipping services to Caribbean at affordable prices. You can visit us at cargotocaribbean.co.uk to get FREE price quotes.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

High Tech Pirates Hacked Shipping Company

In the 21st Century, You Will Not Find Capt. Jack Sparrow Anywhere, Now the Pirates Are Using High Tech to Make the Loot

Cargo Ship
Cargo Ship
This incident is the first of its kind as the very cunning yet tech-savvy pirates hacked into the computer systems of a shipping company and with extreme caution, they targeted cargo ships of the company. The team at Verizon RISK (Research, Investigations, Solutions and Knowledge) released a report revealing that a global shipping corporation has fallen victim to some high-tech pirates. Verizon cyber specialists have been contacted by an unnamed company reporting that the pirates have adopted a new strategy to loot their ships.
The cargo vessels are usually rummaged by the pirates when they are on their way to deliver sea cargo to Caribbean, China, UK., US., or other countries of the world. Verizon RISK stated that “rather than spending days holding boats and their crew hostage while they rummaged through the cargo, these pirates began to attack shipping vessels in an extremely targeted and timely fashion. Specifically, they would board a shipping vessel, force the crew into one area and within a short amount of time they would depart.”
It is further explained in the report that when the crew members left their safe rooms hours later, they were surprised to learn that the pirates haven’t randomly looted the cargo, rather, they had targeted certain cargo containers. “It became apparent to the shipping company that the pirates had specific knowledge of the contents of each of the shipping crates being moved. They’d boarded a vessel, located by bar code specific sought-after crates containing valuables, steal the contents of that crate – and that crate only – and then depart the vessel without further incident.”
When the Verizon RISK team came to know of the incident, they went to the company to inspect their systems. It was found that the firm was using a home-grown Content Management System (CMS) to manage the documents required for shipping freight and shipping inventory. When the team thoroughly inspected the network traffic surrounding the CMS managing shipping routes, they found a malicious web shell being uploaded onto the server which was giving them all the information.
This enabled the pirates to pull down all those documents that had the details about future shipments, crates with specific valuables and the schedule for the vessels to carry them. The details of this incident have not been disclosed but there are chances that it might have happened somewhere near African east coast. CargotoCaribbean.co.uk offers sea cargo services at affordable prices from UK to all destinations of Caribbean including Antiqua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Gyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines etc.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

What You Need to Know About Your Beverage Logistics Partner?

Beverages are Subtle and Expensive Products So Careful Protections are Required for Its  Delivery and Handling.

Cargo Ship
Cargo Ship
Many things need to consider before shipping of the beverage. Supply, cost efficiency, rules and regulations should also be taken into account. Check out cheap shipping services to Caribbean before shipping your cargo from UK to Caribbean.

Here are few things to consider when choosing your logistics partner for alcoholic beverages.

Does Your Beverage Logistic Partner Have Knowledge About Alcoholic Beverage Shipping Rules

To make an alcoholic shipment successful, it is necessary to know about the different conditions of the shipping even the complete environment of the shipping. There are many ways of shipping an alcoholic beverage. It can be shipped by containers, trucks and shipped as bulk by using ISO tanks. Regardless of shipping method, your partner must know the shipping environment. Beverage products are of a sensitive nature so suitable temperature is very important factor in shipping.

Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic Beverages
The alcohol drops the freezing point, so when alcoholic beverage freezes the water begins to crystallize, and the products are destroyed. On the other hand,  alcohol that is left in the heat for too long will begin to ferment. As raised temperatures can cause drying out of wine corks and damaging oxidation, temperature alters should also be kept to a low. So, according to the weather changing conditions you have to make sure your logistics partner has the awareness and experience on how to handle your valued delivery.

Role of Logistics Partner in The Protection of Your Alcoholic Beverage Shipment?

Fork with Cargo Box
Fork with Cargo Box
 Alcoholic beverages are valued products so there is a high risk of theft in road shipping. But there are many methods of protection of the beverage deliveries. By the use of GPS devices the receivers can directly locate the location of the deliveries.  This helps them know accurately where the shipment is at all times, making it very soothing to discover if something goes erroneous. So it is very crucial to sure that your logistics partner asks you about the content and worth of the shipment. Complete information about the shipment is an important aspect for a safe and secure carriage.

Does Your Logistics Partner Know The Laws About Alcoholic Beverage Shipping?

Cargo Packing
Cargo Packing
Making a delivery of alcoholic beverages needs careful preparation and exploration. To make a shipment successful you must make certain you are in compliance with particular laws and regulations. Different countries have different laws and regulations it is important that your logistics partner is acquainted with the particular shipping conditions. Cargotocaribbean.co.uk offers air cargo to Caribbean from UK at cheap prices.
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